Credit & Copyright: Antonio Tartarini
For northern hemisphere dwellers, September's Full Moon was
the Harvest Moon.
Reflecting warm hues at sunset, it rises
behind cypress trees huddled on a hill top in Tuscany, Italy
in this telephoto view from September 28.
Famed in festival, story, and song,
Harvest Moon is just the traditional name of the full moon nearest the
According to lore the name is a fitting one.
Despite the diminishing daylight hours as the
growing season
drew to a close, farmers could harvest crops by the light of a full moon
shining on
from dusk to dawn.
This Harvest Moon was also known to some as a supermoon,
a term becoming a traditional name for a
moon near perigee.
It was the fourth and final supermoon
for 2023.
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A service of: LHEA at NASA / GSFC
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Публикации с ключевыми словами:
full moon - полнолуние
Публикации со словами: full moon - полнолуние | |
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