APOD: 2023 January 18 Б MACS0647: Gravitational Lensing of the Early Universe by Webb
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Credit & Copyright: NASA,
Dan Coe
Rebecca Larson (UT), Yu-Yang Hsiao (JHU);
Alyssa Pagan
Text: Michael Rutkowski
(Minn. St. U.
Gravitational lensing by the galaxy cluster MACS0647 -- in which the massive
foreground cluster distorts and lenses the light emitted by distant background galaxies
along the line of sight Б is on vivid display here in
this recent
infrared image from the
James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).
In particular, the background source
is seen to be
lensed three times by the cluster.
When first discovered with the
Hubble Space Telescope,
MACS0647-JD was observed as an amorphous blob.
With Webb though,
this single source is revealed to be a
or small group of galaxies.
The colors of the MACS0647-JD objects are different as well --
indicating differences potentially in the age or
dust content of these
These new images provide rare examples of galaxies
an era only a few 100 million years after the
Big Bang.
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A service of: LHEA at NASA / GSFC
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Публикации с ключевыми словами:
gravitational lens - гравитационное линзирование
Публикации со словами: gravitational lens - гравитационное линзирование | |
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