Credit & Copyright: NASA,
Johns Hopkins University APL,
Southwest Research Institute,
Roman Tkachenko
Primordial contact binary 2014 MU69,
also known as Ultima Thule, really is very red.
In fact, it's the reddest outer solar system object ever visited by a
spacecraft from Earth.
Its reddish hue is believed to be due to organic materials
on its surface.
Ruddy color and tantalizing surface details seen in this composite image
are based on data from the
New Horizons spacecraft recorded during the January 1 flyby of
the farthest world yet
Embedded in the smaller lobe Thule (top), the 8 kilometer wide
feature nick named Maryland crater is the largest
depression known on the surface of Ultima Thule.
Transmission of data collected from the flyby continues,
and will go on until the late summer 2020
as New Horizons speeds deeper into the
dim and distant Kuiper Belt.
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asteroid - астероиды - Пояс Койпера
Публикации со словами: asteroid - астероиды - Пояс Койпера | |
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