Credit & Copyright: Davide Coverta
Two galaxies are squaring off in
here are the latest pictures.
When two
galaxies collide, the stars that compose them usually do not.
That's because
galaxies are mostly empty space and, however bright,
stars only take up only a small amount of that space.
During the slow, hundred million year
one galaxy can still rip the other apart gravitationally, and
dust and
gas common to both galaxies does
In this clash of the
titans, dark
dust pillars mark massive
molecular clouds are being compressed during the
galactic encounter,
causing the rapid birth of millions of stars,
some of which are gravitationally bound together in
massive star clusters.
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A service of: LHEA at NASA / GSFC
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Публикации с ключевыми словами:
colliding galaxies - сталкивающиеся галактики
Публикации со словами: colliding galaxies - сталкивающиеся галактики | |
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