Credit & Copyright: Photo Thierry Cohen /
Courtesy Danziger Gallery, New York
In a haunting
vista you can never see, bright stars and the
central Milky Way
rise over the dark skyline of metropolitan
Pudong in Shanghai,
Looking east
across the Huangpu River, the cityscape
includes Pudong's 470 meter tall Oriental Pearl Tower.
The night sky stretches
from Antares and the stars of Scorpius at the
far right, to Altair in Aquila at the left.
To create the vision of an unseen reality, part of a
series of
Darkened Cities, photographer Thierry Cohen has combined
a daytime image of the city skyline
with an image matched in orientation from
a dark sky region
at the
same latitude, just west of
Merzouga, Morocco.
The result finds the night sky that hours earlier also arced over Shanghai,
but drowned in the lights
of a city upon the sea.
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NASA Official: Jay Norris. Specific rights apply.
A service of: LHEA at NASA / GSFC
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Публикации с ключевыми словами:
Milky Way - Млечный Путь - звездное небо
Публикации со словами: Milky Way - Млечный Путь - звездное небо | |
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