APOD: 2011 December 12 An Unusual Vein of Deposited Rock on Mars
<< Yesterday | 12.12.2011 | Tomorrow >> |

Credit & Copyright: Mars
Exploration Rover Mission,
Image Processing: Kenneth Kremer, Marco Di Lorenzo
What could create this unusual vein of rock on Mars?
A leading hypothesis is that
thin rock layer dubbed "Homestake" was deposited by a running liquid -- like
mineral veins are here on
And the
running liquid of choice is water.
Therefore, this
mineral streak -- rich in calcium and sulfur -- is the latest in the growing
body of evidence that part of
Mars had a watery past.
This, in turn, increases the speculation that
Mars was once hospitable to life.
Pictured above is a vista taken near the western rim of
Endeavour Crater by the
Opportunity rover currently exploring Mars.
inset image shows a close up of the recently discovered mineral vein.
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A service of: LHEA at NASA / GSFC
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Публикации с ключевыми словами:
Mars - Марс - вода на Марсе
Публикации со словами: Mars - Марс - вода на Марсе | |
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