Credit & Copyright: Antony Searle &
Craig Savage
What would it look like to travel near the speed of light?
Strange visual effects would appear as documented in the
above relativistically-accurate animation.
First of all,
aberration would
cause objects to
appear to bunch
up in front you.
Next, the Doppler shift
would cause the colors of forward objects to shift toward
the blue, while things behind you would
shift toward the red.
Similarly, the world in front of you would seem to
move unusually fast, while the world behind you
would appear to slow down.
Objects to the sides will appear
rotated, possibly enabling
surfaces normally
hidden from you to become visible.
Of course, since constant motion is relative,
the same effects would occur were you to
stationary and the entire world advanced toward you.
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NASA Official: Jay Norris. Specific rights apply.
A service of: LHEA at NASA / GSFC
& Michigan Tech. U.
Публикации с ключевыми словами:
motion - color - теория относительности - эффект Допплера
Публикации со словами: motion - color - теория относительности - эффект Допплера | |
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