Credit & Copyright: Pete Lawrence
Earlier this month, Venus and Mercury
climbed into the western twilight,
entertaining skygazers around
planet Earth
in a lovely conjunction of evening stars.
Combining 8 images spanning April 4 through April 15, this composite
tracks their progress through skies
above Portsmouth, UK.
Each individual image was captured at 19:50 UT.
The sequential path for both bright planets begins low and to the left.
But while Venus
to swing away from the setting Sun, moving
higher above the western horizon,
Mercury first rises then falls.
Its highest point is from the image taken on April 11.
Of course on April 15, Venus and Mercury were joined by a young
crescent Moon.
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NASA Official: Jay Norris. Specific rights apply.
A service of: LHEA at NASA / GSFC
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Публикации с ключевыми словами:
conjunction - Соединение планет - Венера - Меркурий
Публикации со словами: conjunction - Соединение планет - Венера - Меркурий | |
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