Credit & Copyright: ISS Expedition 12 Crew,
Who dunnit?
Like a scene from a
space mystery movie, a spacesuit floated away from the
International Space Station earlier this month,
but no investigation was needed.
It was pushed out by the space station crew.
Suitsat-1, the unneeded Russian
Orlan spacesuit filled mostly with
old clothes
was fitted with a faint
radio transmitter
and released to orbit the Earth.
Suitsat-1 will orbit once every 90 minutes
until it burns up in the Earth's atmosphere within a few weeks.
The suit circled the Earth twice before its
radio signal became unexpectedly weak.
Pictured above, the lifeless spacesuit was photographed as it
drifted away from the Earth-orbiting
space station
earlier this month.
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NASA Official: Jay Norris. Specific rights apply.
A service of: LHEA at NASA / GSFC
& Michigan Tech. U.
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