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Совещание: Нейтронные звезды и пульсары - почти 40 лет изучения Совещание: Нейтронные звезды и пульсары - почти 40 лет изучения
9.02.2006 23:20 | О. С. Бартунов/ГАИШ, Москва

Совещание по нейтронным звездам и пульсарам, приуроченное к 40-летию со дня их открытия, пройдет с 14 мая по 19 мая 2006 гг. в центре физики, Бад Хоннеф (Bad Honnef), Германия.
                       NEUTRON STARS AND PULSARS 
                         363rd Heraeus-Seminar  
                   Physics Center Bad Honnef (Germany) 
                           May 14. - 19. 2006 
  Neutron stars and pulsars present the edge of the observable universe. 
  Advances of observational techniques and of the theoretical understanding  
  and modeling of involved physical processes asks for continuous discussion. 
  To initiate and stimulate comprehensive discussions on current topics of 
  neutron star and pulsar research a one week workshop will take place in the 
  Physics Center in Bad Honnef near Bonn (Germany) from May 14 - 19, 2006. 
  The workshop will review in detail and with comprehensive talks the  
  current status of pulsar and neutron star astronomy, about 40 years after  
  the discovery. The character of the seminar will be informal, i.e. we would  
  like to encourage the participants, especially young students and post-docs   
  to contribute and cover a broad range of topics. Participation is free of  
  registration fee. The number of participants is limited to about 100. 
  The seminar will include: 
  1.  Invited review talks (40 min + 10 min discussion) 
  2.  Contributed talks 
  3.  Posters: generous space and time will be provided. 
  4.  Reporter talks, summarizing the main points of the relevant posters 
  5.  Discussions 
  A tentative program and further details are available at: 
The 363rd Heraeus-Seminar is organized by: Werner Becker (MPE), Axel Jessner (MPIfR), Harald Lesch (USM) & Joachim Truemper (MPE)
Публикации с ключевыми словами: нейтронные звезды - Пульсар - семинары
Публикации со словами: нейтронные звезды - Пульсар - семинары
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