Credit & Copyright: Joseph Golden, NOAA
What's happening over the water?
Pictured above is one of the better images yet recorded of a
a type of tornado that occurs over water.
Waterspouts are spinning columns of rising moist air that
typically form over warm water.
Waterspouts can be as dangerous as
and can feature wind speeds over 200 kilometers per hour.
Many waterspouts form away from
thunderstorms and even
during relatively fair weather.
Waterspouts may be relatively transparent and initially
visible only by the unusual pattern they create on the water.
The above image was taken in 1969 from an aircraft off the
Florida Keys, a location arguably the hottest spot for
in the world with hundreds forming each year.
Some people
speculate that these waterspouts
are responsible for many of the losses recorded in the
Bermuda Triangle
region of the
Atlantic Ocean.
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NASA Official: Jay Norris. Specific rights apply.
A service of: LHEA at NASA / GSFC
& Michigan Tech. U.
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Earth's atmosphere - атмосфера Земли - атмосферные явления
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