Credit & Copyright: Bob Yen (Comet-Track)
Comet LINEAR's tail appears to be extending.
Many sky watchers are closely following Comet
C/1999 S4 LINEAR
and wondering if it will develop an
impressive tail or become
visible to the naked eye later this month.
So far, the unpredictable comet is moving oddly indicating that
exploding caverns
of heated gas are causing the
to shift slightly in its
orbit around the
This volatility contributes to
Comet LINEAR newly visible two-degree tail, discernable in the
above photographic
negative taken Friday from
brightness estimates indicate that
Comet LINEAR will just barely become visible
without binoculars in northern skies in the days surrounding July 23
during the early evening hours.
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NASA Official: Jay Norris. Specific rights apply.
A service of: LHEA at NASA / GSFC
& Michigan Tech. U.
Публикации с ключевыми словами:
кометы - comet - comet linear - tail - LINEAR
Публикации со словами: кометы - comet - comet linear - tail - LINEAR | |
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