Credit & Copyright: 1994 by Michael Okoniewski
Carl Sagan died last Friday at the age of
62. Sagan
was the world's most famous astronomer. Among his many activities
as a scientist, he contributed to the discovery that the atmosphere
of Venus is prohibitively hot and
dense, and found evidence that Saturn's
moon Titan contains oceans stocked with the building blocks of life.
was an outspoken proponent of the search
for extra-terrestrial life,
including sending probes to other planets and
listening with large radio telescopes
for signals from intelligent aliens. Sagan's
outstanding ability to explain allowed almost a billion people
to better understand the cosmos in which they live.
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Публикации с ключевыми словами:
Carl Sagan - жизнь во Вселенной - Радиотелескоп
Публикации со словами: Carl Sagan - жизнь во Вселенной - Радиотелескоп | |
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