Credit & Copyright: Apollo 15, David Scott,
Apollo 15
astronaut James Irwin works on the first
Lunar Roving Vehicle,
before he and fellow astronaut
Scott take it out for a drive.
Sloping up behind the
lunar module
"Falcon" on the left are lunar mountains
Hadley Delta and Apennine Front,
while about 5 kilometers behind Irwin is
St. George Crater. The explorations conducted during the
Apollo lunar missions
discovered much about our Moon,
including that the
Moon is made of ancient rock, that the
composition is similar to
Earth's, that life is not
evident there, that the Moon underwent a great hot melting in its distant
past, that the Moon has suffered from numerous impacts as shown by its
craters, and that the
Moon's surface is covered by a layer of rock
fragments and dust.
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NASA Official: Jay Norris. Specific rights apply.
A service of: LHEA at NASA / GSFC
& Michigan Tech. U.
Публикации с ключевыми словами:
Apollo 15 - Аполлон - лунная поверхность - лунная пыль - кратер
Публикации со словами: Apollo 15 - Аполлон - лунная поверхность - лунная пыль - кратер | |
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