Credit & Copyright: Gordon Garradd
Connect the dots and you'll trace
the path of the Cassini spacecraft
as it took a final turn by Earth
on its way to the outer solar system.
The dots (in a horizontal row just below center) are actually
successive images of the spacecraft.
The picture was produced by making
exposures at 10 minute intervals
as Cassini moved rapidly through Earth's night sky on August 18 -
around the time of its closest approach.
Cassini's ultimate destination is Saturn, but so far its
voyage has consisted of a
series of fuel saving
"gravity assist" flybys of
Venus and Earth,
each designed to result in an increase in the spacecraft's speed.
During this Earth flyby Cassini received about a 12,000 mile-
per-hour (5.5 km/sec) boost.
Cassini is now being maneuvered toward yet another
slingshot encounter,
this time a December 2000 flyby of of gas giant Jupiter,
to received a final boost toward Saturn.
The wayfaring spacecraft is slated to arrive at long last in the
Saturnian system in 2004.
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NASA Official: Jay Norris. Specific rights apply.
A service of: LHEA at NASA / GSFC
& Michigan Tech. U.
Публикации с ключевыми словами:
cassini spacecraft - Saturn - gravity assist - Сатурн - гравитационное притяжение - КА Кассини
Публикации со словами: cassini spacecraft - Saturn - gravity assist - Сатурн - гравитационное притяжение - КА Кассини | |
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