Credit & Copyright: S. Pascarell, R. Windhorst and S. Odewahn
(Arizona State U.),
W. Keel (U. Alabama),
Snips and snails and puppy dog tails, is that what galaxies were
made of? In a
released yesterday and soon to be published in
astronomers have imaged an interesting
distant patch of sky
with the orbiting
Hubble Space Telescope.
They found many merging groups of
stars and
gas which have been
dubbed "pre-galactic blobs." A particularly dense bunch of
these small blue merging objects
are visible in the above picture. This may be a snapshot of
galaxies actually being formed!
Although peculiar by present standards of
these blobs may have been normal in the distant past, many billions of
years ago. This adds evidence that
formed from the
conglomeration of smaller objects instead of the
fragmentation of larger objects.
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Публикации с ключевыми словами:
галактики - образование галактик - далекие галактики
Публикации со словами: галактики - образование галактик - далекие галактики | |
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