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Re[5]: Космос. Вселенная. Наука
16.04.2010 12:02 | А. В. Рыков

Спасибо, уважаемый Михаил Петров!

Вы на сайте опустились ниже всякой истории, которая ради её сохранения. Надо читать современные статьи, включая "Структура вакуума решает проблемы Астрофизики и Физики", "Гравитация и инерция". В них дается источник гравитации и инерции. Я веду переговоры насчет открытия структуры вакуума с иностранным журналом :

  1. I have many articles in my PC. The main topic is The structure of vacuum solves problems of Astrophysics and Physics. Among the problems are: gravity, inertia, dark Energy and Matter in the Universe. Our universe cannot exist and is normal function without this structure. The topic is of general interest. The article The structure of vacuum solves problems of Astrophysics and Physics is more preferable.

  1. The structure of vacuum is open at research of the fact of formation of masses of electron and a positron by energy 1,022 MeV. A birth of electron and a positron for the first time observed in 1933 in Wilson's camera placed in a magnetic field for division of tracks electron and a positron, and also by Patrick Blekett who has received in 1948 for it and other opening the Nobel Prize on physics. The structure of vacuum is a source of gravitation, inertia, a source of a birth of all masses of micro particles, and a source of the electromagnetism known in a science and in practice.

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